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Source of all evil or defender of all freedom? How the same event can seemingly justify directly opposing beliefs. |
“Confirmation bias” refers to the
well-known human foible of favouring their existing beliefs and commitments,
even in the face of conflicting evidence. For instance, if you believe that
some person – Annie, say – is a shifty person, you will have a tendency to hold
to that belief over time, and even come to believe it more strongly. Psychology
experiments suggest that confirmation bias works in a variety of ways –
including biasing the search for
evidence (we search for data that supports our belief, rather than data
refuting it), the interpretation of
evidence (we look for weaknesses and ambiguities in evidence that questions our
belief) and the memory of prior
evidence one has been exposed to (we have faster and more thorough recall of
confirming rather than dis-confirming evidence). Through these three methods,
human beings show a decided tendency to cement their initial beliefs rather
than revising them. In some cases confirmation bias can be very powerful. If
people are exposed to evidence that Annie is shifty, say, and then shown beyond
all dispute that this initial evidence was fabricated, they will still tend to
harbour suspicions about Annie’s character that arose on the basis of that
evidence, even though they will explicitly acknowledge and believe that the
evidence was false!
Of course, confirmation bias is
not insurmountable. People can and do decide they were wrong about something;
and can recognize and choose to use tests and lines of enquiry that will expose
their mistaken beliefs.
Confirmation bias and philosophy
Does confirmation bias affect
philosophers too? There are good reasons to believe it does – consider the old
saying that “being a philosopher means never having to admit you’re wrong”. The
worry expressed here is that philosophers will use the sizable intellectual
tools at their disposal to critique and interrogate opposing theories and
evidence, and search out subtle cases of confirming evidence. In so doing they will corroborate their initial position, rather than using those intellectual tools to honestly
enquire into it. And certainly wholesale changes of
philosophical theory by established philosophers tend to be pretty rare. To be
sure, philosophers develop their positions over time, revising and responding
to new evidence and argument, but direct moves into the opposing camp don’t happen
a lot, in my experience at least. (And I have no particularly special virtues in this regard either, of course.)
And it is probably fair to say
such biases arise in the emotionally charged milieu of political philosophy
even more stridently. Those who think that capitalism is a pretty
good idea sometimes seem to be able to find confirming evidence for this belief
every day and in every way. And the same is true for those who think capitalism
is the fundamental source of every misery in the world. No possible horror can
beset humanity without an explanation leading back to capitalism.
Explanations of confirmation bias
So why do we all do it? Well,
there are lots of different reasons that have been put forward for this human tendency
to cement our beliefs over time. For instance, having to reject a belief is
cognitive hard work. The type of thinking that would reject the belief can
require effort. Furthermore, the type of thinking that follows from revising
the belief takes still more effort – do other beliefs now have to shift because
that first one has been rejected? And since human beings are largely prone to
avoiding effort, we are motivated to avoid these situations of mental
heavy-lifting. Easier to stick with what we know.
Also, the more we understand our
world, the better we are doing, and the more secure we feel. Beliefs
underwrite our actions and our projects in the world. If our beliefs can be
relied upon, then that enhances our ability to predict future events and attain
our goals. Finding out a prized belief is wrong threatens that happy security.
And there is a social factor. The
more we change our mind and revise what we have said, the less others can feel
confident in relying on us as a valuable source of information and insight.
Since most of us like our views to be taken seriously, a habit of admitting defeat
carries social costs.
There’s a lot to be said for
these sorts of explanations of confirmation bias – and the countless others out
there in the psychology literature. In all likelihood, confirmation bias is
over-determined – there are lots of reasons we do it.
However, I want to reflect on the
possibility that confirmation bias arises from largely rational, sensible ways
of thinking – in particular the search for explanations for events.
Confirmation bias and seeking explanations
Imagine something strange happens
in the world – something you can’t explain. But it is (just suppose) important
for you to be able to understand it. So you seek an explanation for it.
What does that involve?
Well, one of the main things it
will involve will be aligning this new event with your current beliefs. If you
can work out how this new thing happened, given
what you already believe, then you will have explained that event. If you
can work out how the facts as you currently understand them would have caused
(or at least allowed the possibility of) this new event, then you will have
explained it. That, pretty much, is just what it means to have an explanation.
So when you start searching for
information to explain the event, you search for what we might call linking facts; facts that would allow
you to move from your beliefs as they stand to the occurrence of the event.
Current beliefs + Linking facts =
Explanation of event (or phenomena)
This, I hope, is pretty straightforward.
If we want to understand something, there’s no point aligning it with other
people’s beliefs (how would that help?), and no point trying to explain it from
first principles all the way up (couple of years to spare?). The new phenomena
is understood and explained only when it makes sense, given what we already
accept. This doesn’t mean that the linking facts can’t replace or force
revision of existing beliefs, but it does mean the existing beliefs
fundamentally frame what counts as an explanation.
In fact, this search for linking
facts has at least two results.
First, the type of linking facts
you are looking for will vary depending on what your current beliefs are. If
you believe that the United States is ultimately the root of all international
problems, for example, then you will search out the type of linking facts that
will explain the current phenomena – the situation in Syria in 2012, say – with
the US. You will look for the involvement of the CIA, the pressure the US
exerts on the global media, its historical influence on and action in the
Middle East, its current oil interests in that region, and so on and on. On the
other hand, if you believe that most of the world’s problems arise from extreme
ideologies and fundamentalist religious beliefs, then you will search for very
different sorts of linking facts.
Second, the search for linking
facts will determine when your investigation stops. Once you have located the
required linking facts, then the event is understood and explained. You can
stop searching. So once you have found – to return to the example – that the US
has CIA agents at work on Syria’s border with Turkey, that it has a history of
animosity with the Syrian regime, and that Syria is an ally of Russia, then you
have explained the Syrian crisis and the way it is presented in the mainstream
Job done. Move on.
And, of course, if you had
started out with concerns about religious extremism, then in all likelihood a
different set of linking facts would have been discovered, and the search
stopped at that point. In other words, you will not continue to search in such
a way that you might, (a) find subsequent facts that disprove the existence of
your linking facts or impact on their capacity to explain the event, or (b) find
subsequent facts that would better account for the event, using an entirely
different explanation.
Now this search for explanation is
not in any sense irrational. But it can clearly contribute to confirmation
bias. As well as constraining the nature and end-point of the search, it
cements the initial belief even further.
Because now that initial belief
(about the role of the US in world affairs, say) helps explain this new event.
The fact that it can explain this means you now have one more reason for believing it. If someone else later challenges
this belief of yours, you are entitled to think: “But wait, clearly the US is
playing this role, because I found evidence of its presence in the Syrian
crisis.” You did not set out to test
this belief, but you nevertheless ultimately collected evidence that helped
justify your continued belief in it. In this way consideration of the same event by two people with different starting beliefs, even with access to the same
information, will contribute for
each of them to their justification of their initial beliefs.
And that’s a problem, because it
means that confirmation bias arises from what are otherwise quite sensible and
effective methods for understanding and explaining events.
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